Vietnamese Cavendish Banana
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Vietnam homeland has many kinds of sweet and aromatic fruits, one of which is banana, a familiar specialty of the countryside. In Vietnam, there are three popular kind of bananas such as: cavendish banana (chuoi tieu); chuoi hot (seed banana), chuoi ngu, chuoi chau. (Chuoi is banana in Vietnamese)
Each year Vietnam produces about 1.4 million tons of bananas, and a huge proportion of that reaches the Chinese market.
Bananas are a delicious choice for snacking, baking and cooking, plus they include Vitamin B6, Potassium, Fiber, and Vitamin C – nutrients that help promote heart health, supports energy metabolism and increase immune system overall.
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Mr Tuan - CEO KhanhHoa Food Ltd. Co
Cell phone: (+84) 912-908-197 (Zalo | WhatSapp)